Thursday, May 7, 2020



Am trying to think about the future of HR after Corona. According to ILO, every 15s one employees die because of accidents in the working place. More than 374 million accidents occur in the working place in the world per year. Furthermore, in developing country around 881280 people get disease from their job. All these happened before tragedy COVID-19 accident. Am trying to think about how the situation today? Am trying to think how HR situation in COVID-19? Are they safe? If not, how production have been affected? What is the response from their employers? How about their job security? Am trying to think how the situation of HR in developing country today? Is there any relationship between being health and production? Am thinking how many people have died because of COVID-19? So sad…but it is my thinking only don’t worry. Am just thinking only. We shall overcome! Together we can! Everyone is passing through this tough time. It is a balance game for both rich and poor nation, week and strong industrial. Let us prepare for the new chapter. Get ready for the new economic competition. The world will be more giant than today. Wishing all the best! Stay safe! You are the most potential HR! Avoid Corona. Please, you can share to me how do you think and feel in this tragic time? Remember you are the winner. By James Kalimanzila (Hungry Learner)