Friday, February 28, 2020


The time to RETIRE is a golden time for blessed and honored employees. Don't get or allow stress and frustration in your retirement gold time, instead enjoy life with your family and friends as well as get/enjoy what you didn't enjoy during your working life. Don't think and Rethink about your past job and mistakes. Rethink about your Health and Share your Ideas and advice to employees who are still working. Become a Mentor. Happy retirees build new life.

Happy life
 Retirement is defined as a period of life when one chooses lastingly to leave the labor force behind either voluntary or compulsory. In Tanzania the traditional voluntary retirement age is 55 while compulsory retirement age is 60, this is according to the (SO 2009). Likewise most of developed country their retirement age is around 60-65 for stance in the United States and most developed countries.

The retirement time is likely to be a deadlock thinking to most of retirees particularly in Tanzania. When the retirement time reach most of employee’s starts to have over dream and dark expectation because of many factors such as past financial misbehavior, fearing the externality of the future, over expectation, delay  to get their pensions, lack of clear plan/project to do, fear of new life, lack of alternative source of income among others.

Due to these challenges I conducted an open research on retirees life rate which demonstrated that 50-60% of employees get stress stroke and body paralyses, 10% of retirees affords to run their new projects due to their past positive investment strategic and experiences, 20% of retiree pass away early after their retirement with the age between 60-70 this because of unfulfilled expectation, stress due to delay of their pension, over expectation with poor aftermath.

Retirees are very essential assert in growing modern and strong industrial based  national economy simply because they have enough overcast experiences in their field, they are very potential also in advise therefor better to protect them through providing social security income, love, psychological education,  care and sometime using them through contracts, having old and health retirees indicates wealth, peace, love, respect and blessing in the country because every employee will retire so better to create good and friendly platform for old/retirees and relax time. In the U.S., for example, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has been offering retirees monthly Social Security income benefits since 1935.

 In order to handle this problem I have suggested three areas to be realized and considered (Retirees, government, environment). This mean that retiree themselves they need education (Retirement trainings, workshops and seminars) as well as meditation in their peace of mind this will reduce the rate of stress and overthinking, here the government must formulate good retirement policies and scheme for retirement sustainability this will value them and respect their contributions in national building, lastly environmental education is more vital to retirees this will help them to have proper and perfect plan/project to do, in additional to that environmental education should goes together with entrepreneurs and investment education.  

Furthermore, in helping retirees and other employees I have proposed to learn and understand SWOT analysis as a strategic planning technique which may be used to help them in identifying retirement strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
By James Kalimanzila-Hungry Learner.